
Resources for adjunct faculty


学术领导 & administrative assistance

每个附属机构都有一名协调员或主任负责监督该学科. 当你有学术问题时,联系你的学科主任或协调员.

Administrative support is provided by:

工作人员 providing administrative support based on campus and discipline
工作人员 扩展 校园 部门
艾伦·安德鲁斯 1011 詹姆斯敦 Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA)
玛琳Hamrick 1170 詹姆斯敦, Cattaraugus County 护理
克里斯汀•约翰逊 1140 詹姆斯敦 Arts, Humanities, 健康 Sciences (AHHS)
琴伊察莫拉莱斯 1310 詹姆斯敦 Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)
伯大尼Sellstrom 1220 詹姆斯敦 社会科学 & 业务(SSBU)
艾米丽·汤姆森 7558 Cattaraugus County Arts, Humanities, 健康 Sciences (AHHS)

Academic integrity

鼓励每位教师在课程教学大纲中加入网赌信誉排名网站学术诚信的政策声明,以促进积极的学习环境. If you have questions on how to formulate a policy, consult the Constitution of the Student Body 查看学院网赌信誉排名网站学术诚信的声明或向你的系主任寻求建议. Some departments have a standard policy to be used by all instructors.


Your employee information, 安排课程, 当然花名册, 每个学生的目录信息都在里面 横幅. Use the 横幅 system to electronically submit census, 学期中段, and final grade information, and acknowledge contracts for Faculty Load and Compensation (FLAC).

人口普查花名册 & 成绩报告

及时回复任何有关大学人口普查名单的官方信件, 期中考试的成绩, 最后的成绩, 等. 人口普查名册是大学的官方记录,显示哪些学生在上课,并用于确定获得国家援助的学期全日制学分(fte).

  • If a student is attending class, answer 'Yes'.
  • 如果没有,请注明“否”,并输入“最后出席日期”或勾选“从未出席”框.
  • If the student resumes participation in the class, 你可以给他们一个六周的评分,他们会自动恢复为班级的一员.

Census, 学期中段, and 最后的成绩 are entered by faculty in 横幅. 除非事先与教务处作出安排,否则所有职系必须在指定时间内报名. A grade must be entered for every student on the list. 网赌信誉排名网站如何以电子方式提交人口普查信息和成绩的其他说明可以从你的学术事务助理那里获得.

Class attendance policy

Whether or not you count attendance as part of your grading, you must keep attendance for college records. For any student who earns an "F" in your class, you must be able to state the last day the student was in attendance. Be sure to know the "W" (Withdrawal) deadline for your course, especially if it is not a 15-week class, and announce it to your students.

课程 & 办公时间

The number of hours an adjunct can teach is limited; please speak with your division 迪安, director or coordinator for further clarification. 所有的兼职教师都被要求每周至少有一个小时的办公时间来教授每个部分. 


Returning adjuncts must adhere to the criteria used last academic year. 主任和协调员将审查去年没有审查过的教学大纲, including all new adjunct syllabi.

Evaluation process

对于新员工, 课堂观察将在前两个学期进行, generally before the sixth week of class. Thereafter, observations will occur at least once every three years. The director or coordinator, 迪安, or designated full-time faculty member will conduct the observations. 由学生完成的正式评估将在前三个学期对新员工进行, then once a year thereafter. 这些评估将在学期结束后提供给教师. 教师也可以管理可选的第四周教师评估表 to gather informal feedback earlier in the semester if desired.


纽约州立大学的记录保存和处理政策规定,所有完成的期末考试必须保存一年. "Final" is interpreted as a comprehensive exam. 如果你给了一个“最后”考试,那么建议你不要把它称为期末考试. 如果你给学生发综合期末考试,并把它们发给学生,那就在复印一份后再发给学生. 建议学生收到一份副本,并将原件存档.


In accordance with State Education 部门 requirements, 每个兼职讲师必须在学期开始时向教务助理提供一份课程大纲. 教学大纲必须包括如何计算最终课程成绩的解释. At the end of the semester, 助教必须提交一份他们的成绩记录本或成绩电子表格,包括用于确定成绩的公式. 此信息仅在学生对成绩提出质疑且教师不再可用的情况下使用.


Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to contact the JCC服务台 (716.338.1122 or JCCHelpDesk@mail.reverse-mortgage-explained.com) for general computing questions, computer lab reservations, office technical problems, or network emergencies.

JCC & SUNY tuition waivers

JCC的学生及其直系亲属可以免除学费. 免学费的学分数等于已经教过的总学分或联系时数. Your credit is good for five years. 如果你在纽约州立大学系统内学习研究生课程,纽约州立大学也会提供部分学费援助.

NYSUT union information

The JCC faculty bargaining unit is the Faculty Association of JCC, 隶属于纽约州教师联合会和美国教师联合会. Membership in the Faculty Association affords voting privileges, access to reports from its various committees, 以及与学院管理层定期进行合约谈判的最新情况. For membership information and questions about dues, contact Amanda Bartels, Membership Chair. For general information, contact Nancy Griswold, FAJCC VP for Adjunct Affairs.

Payroll information

  • 每学期你都需要以电子方式确认你的合同 横幅.

Prior approval for planned absences

Faculty are expected to meet all scheduled classes. 在规定的上课时间必须缺席的情况下, 申请事先批准表格必须至少提前一周提交. 教务助理或其他工作人员没有责任监考, 测试, and exams or to take attendance. 可与你的协调人、主任或院长讨论其他计划.

Required instruction time

纽约州立大学要求每学分或每课时750分钟的教学. If a class is missed for any reason, including weather or instructor illness, 我们希望你尽一切可能来补课. If you are unsure of your options, talk with your 迪安. Accordingly, it is expected that you will not dismiss classes early. 例如, 在3个小时的课程中进行考试是不合适的,因为学生在考试上花一个小时后可以自由离开.

Stipend for college-sponsored development activities

已经设立了一项基金,为参加学院赞助的教师发展活动的兼职教师提供津贴. Each adjunct may request up to four $50 stipends per academic year. 请求必须事先得到系主任或图书馆主任的批准, 适当的, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Technology training

Technology sessions are available for technology training. If you are interested in specific training, contact Training@mail.reverse-mortgage-explained.com.


学院为学生提供的辅导服务可获得全额补偿. 每学期, 两个校区的学习中心都会提交辅导时间记录, which are calculated into FTEs. 教师在办公时间辅导学生的时间也可以申请报销. 只要你的帮助与课程或科目相关,你就可以记录任何你帮助的学生.